Research: Cannabinoid may be first drug for sleep apnea, Sleep - Official Publication of the Sleep Research Society (Jan 2018)

"Dronabinol, a synthetic form of the cannabis compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), shows efficacy in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, possibly representing a first pharmacologic approach to the tough-to-treat, but potentially serious, condition." Summary here. Full study originally published in the January 2018 issue of Sleep. 

Research: Pharmacological management of chronic neuropathic pain, Canadian Pain Society

The Canadian Pain Society has advanced cannabinoid therapy from a fourth-line (2007) to the third-line (2014) recommendation, citing the following evidence:

  • Since 2006, seven high quality studies investigated cannabinoid therapy in neuropathic pain, and all but one of these studies had positive results.
  • Mucosal spray of 50/50 mixture of THC/CBD provided significant pain relief for patients with multiple sclerosis.
  • One trial found that nabilone was effective for pain relief in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy, with improved sleep and overall quality of life. 
  • There is increasing evidence of the benefits of cannabinoid therapy in managing neuropathic pain: overall NNT of 3.4.

Research: Cannabinoids used in sequence with chemotherapy are a more effective treatment for cancer, International Journal of Oncology (May 2017)

  • A 2017 study on cells from researchers at St. George’s University in London and published in the International Journal of Oncology suggests that using cannabinoids alongside chemotherapy may be a more effective treatment for killing cancer cells than using chemotherapy alone. Furthermore, this research suggests that using cannabinoids alongside chemotherapy could achieve the same anticancer effect with a lower dose of chemotherapy. Summary here.